Wichita Falls Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
July 11, 2021

Moving & Stress: Two Peas in a Pod?

Moving to a new homeBy Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

Moving can be one of the most stressful things you must do. It consumes your free time, and while it works out in the end, it can result in the necessity to get a punching bag or take up yoga.

As a professional moving company in Wichita Falls, we've seen all sorts of moves, both easy and hectic, and we have some tips that can help you stay away from the tension of moving.

1. Accept that the pressure exists. Suppressing that you are currently pressured makes you more stressed. Stress is normal and natural and working through it does involve acknowledging it is there.

2. Allow yourself lots of time to get the whole thing done. It takes the majority of people 2 days to pack up a studio or one bedroom, 3 to 4 for a couple of bedrooms, or 5 to 6 for 3 bedrooms. When you have a lot of stuff, then it usually takes longer. If you have to get moving boxes, be sure you order or buy them far ahead of time, and have a plan for in the event you run out. Check with your local moving company in Wichita Falls, as they may have used boxes around. Schedule the utility transition well in advance. You should also allow a couple of days to clean the residence you will be leaving.

3. Have a strategy. Work out exactly how you need to arrange tasks to get the best results. A number of people need to have an abundance of to-do lists, some individuals may search for a moving app for their phone. Set due dates for every stage of the move and set them early enough that not making them isn't going to be a catastrophe. In addition have a specific plan for what is going into which box. Label your boxes clearly and also consistently, so you can explain the tags to the movers. Label all that is breakable. Plan precisely what space everything is moving into in the new place and tag boxes properly. The majority of professional movers will gladly put all things designated "Kitchen" in the kitchen for you.

4. Do not be afraid to ask for assistance or work with a moving company to help. Do not do all the things on your own. School age children can assist, even though you may need to find suitable bribes to encourage them. Ask your friends and extended family for help. Hire professional movers in Wichita Falls for the heavy lifting, though, instead of depending on anyone's goodwill. In case you are rather busy and might have the funds for it, consider getting the moving company to complete a bit of or all the packing as well.

5. Be willing to let things go. Moving is definitely an excuse to clear out things that happen to be sitting in your residence a long time out of absolute inertia. For those who have a worn-out furniture item, at this time may be the time to kick it to the curb and buy a replacement when you move. Electronics that will not work? Books you have not read in a decade? Something you totally forgot you even had? Sell whatever you can and donate the remainder. Pick a charitable organization that does pick up when possible.

6. Make certain to allow for recovery time. Moving usually takes over your life. Many people discover they don't have time to receive enough rest throughout the move. Or even they don't do anything whatsoever but work, move, and stress over the move. Grant some slack in your plan allowing you to get out for a meal, take the kids to a fun activity, and so forth.

7. If relocating to a new area or a new town, be a tourist for a bit. Spend time trying to find places to eat you just have to try, points of interest you want to pay a visit to. Create a list of the dining places and pick one you really like the idea of, and then arrange to visit the day after you move whenever you haven't got your kitchen unpacked yet.

8. Keep fit. Moving boxes might help your exercise regime, however if you do a morning jog, keep doing your morning routine. If you need to pack your fitness equipment, find a brief substitute. Possibly get a free trial at a workout center. At the minimum, take a swift walk each day to emerge from the moving duties. Workouts are proven to lessen stress.

Moving is usually stressful, nevertheless the 8 suggestions above can help decrease the pressure and change it into an adventure. Remember that professional movers can give assistance with just as much or as little of the move as needed, and your local mover in Wichita Falls can be a good resource for everything from suggestions to moving materials. Additionally, don't forget this is a temporary situation and your life is going to get back to normal in no time.


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